Notice and Agenda of Parish Meeting 10 November 2022

Six electors of Tankersley Parish have called for a Parish Meeting to be held on 10 November 2022. The Parish Meeting will be held in the Senior Citizens Room of the Tankersley Hub at 7.00 pm. The notice of the parish meeting called by the electors and the agenda is below. PM 10 Nov 2022 […]
Parish Councillor – Attendance Record as at 17 October 2022

HM Queen Elizabeth II

HM Queen Elizabeth II

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Parish Council on behalf of residents of the parish send their heartfelt condolences to the King, Queen Consort and all members of the royal family. A book of condolences will be available to sign in St Peter’s Church. Details […]
Date of July Parish Council Meeting Changed

The date of the next Parish Council Meeting has been changed to Monday 25th July. The meeting will start at 7.00pm and be held in the Senior Citizens room of the Tankersley Hub.
Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee – Day 1 Lighting the Queen’s Jubilee Beacon

Last night, after months of planning and a week of of bringing everything together the Tankersley Beacon became one of the Queen’s Jubilee Beacons lit across the UK and Commonwealth. We would like to thank the Deputy Lieutenant of South Yorkshire for lighting the Tankersley Beacon.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons -Certificate of Participation

The Queen’s Jubilee Beacons are the first nationwide opportunity for communities across the UK and Commonwealth to take part in the Jubilee celebrations. The lighting of the Beacons has been managed by the Platinum Jubilee Organising Committee and involved registering beacons that were participating in the event. Tankersley Parish Council registered for the event in […]
Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee – Day 1 Unveiling the First Jubilee Bench

The first event to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee took place in Jubilee Park with the unveiling of the First Jubilee bench. The Bench had been designed by a pupil at St Peter’s School. The Deputy Lieutenant of South Yorkshire Proclaimed the bench.
Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee – Day 1 Preparing the Beacon

Early this morning volunteers were out preparing the beacon ready for tonight.
Notice of Non-Contested Election

Nominations for the election to fill the 5 Councillor vacancies closed at 4.00 pm on 25 May. Only two candidates had submitted their nomination papers at that time. Accordingly Richard Horsfall and Jane Laverack are elected as Parish Councillors.